Software development is constantly evolving, just like all other areas of technology. Agile software development is the latest technique that developers are trying on for size. But, what is agile software development? What does in entail? Find out the answers to those questions and learn all about agile agile development below.
The Values
The values of Agile software development focus on delivering value to the customer. Lean software development values emphasize individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation and responding to change over following a plan. In order to be considered an Agile developer, you must align with these core values.
The Principles
There are twelve principles of Agile development that all those who wish to create Agile software must adhere to. Whether you are developing a Windirstat alternative or a brand new application, these principles remain the same. These include welcoming changing requirements, even late on in development, promoting sustainable development where developers and users can maintain a constant pace and paying continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. In addition, this Agile manifesto also promotes working software as the primary measure of progress, simplicity, and self organizing teams. Make sure to read the entire Agile development manifesto in its entirety if you want to start developing software using an Agile strategy.
The Terminology
Agile development terminology is different from the jargon used across other types of software development. In fact, different agile methodologies utilize different terminologies as well. Take ISPF features as an example. In Scrum Agile development, feature terminology is called product backlog. In Extreme Programming, it is called user stories. This is certainly something to know if you plan on getting started with Agile software development methodologies of any sort.
The History
It was quite a long time ago, back in 1990 to be exact, that agile methodologies began to gain steam. However, they were not called Agile methodologies just yet. These nameless methodologies stressed the importance of close collaboration between development teams and business stakeholders, delivery of business value at frequent intervals, close-knit, self-organizing teams and using smart methods to create and deliver code. Sound familiar? Then in early 2001, the term Agile software development came into the lexicon when 17 software developers gathered to discuss their shared values and approaches. Surprisingly, Agile development methodologies are not actually all that new.
The Methodologies
There are many different Agile development methodologies. The oldest of these is Extreme Programming, a strategy based on the premise that in order for successful development to be quick, frequent testing is a must. Scrum is arguably the most popular Agile methodology. Scrum requires all parties from the tech side and the business side to come together for agreement on program features. Lean development, or lean programming, is another commonly used methodology that strips the process of developing down to the absolute basics. If you plan on becoming an Agile software developer, it is important to know the most popular methodologies for you to learn.
For developers, learning new approaches to software development is sort of part of the job description. Once you have mastered IPtables, Agile software development is one such strategy that you should certainly look into if you want to make yourself as marketable as possible. Now that you know everything you need to know about Agile development, you can start your journey to practice these methodologies on your own. Good luck!
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