What’s better than your customers telling your story for you? Your customers effective digital advertising and talking about your company is the best thing that can happen to your business. When we talk about advertising, it is always considered a one-on-one strategy. The company and customers are on the opposite sides of the table, and it is hard to believe when a company says that their product is the best.
However, if a friend or a colleague talks about a product and raves about it being the best, it is easier for you to believe them. This is why brands must take advantage of loyal customers and empower them to tell your company’s story. If the review is good enough, you might get several customers lining up to get their hands on the products and services you offer.
According to a well-reputed PR firm, what your customers say about you holds much more worth than all the expensive marketing strategies you plan. This is why your biggest and the most important goal should be to ensure that your customers have positive remarks about you and a personal story they can narrate to people around them and get you more followers.
When we talk about customer stories, we do not talk about your customers’ reviews and ratings. Instead, the customer stories need to be personalized experiences where your company is the protagonist. Companies often have to face a difficult time when it comes to getting their customers to share these stories. To empower your customers, here are some tips and tricks that can prove to be fruitful:
Give Your Customers A Template
Your audience may have stories to tell, but they might not be structured well enough to go to the audience. To ensure that your stories come out uniformly, you can provide a template that your users can follow when narrating the story. Create templates based off top book publishing software. You already know what you want, so you must take the initiative to ask the questions you need the answers to create your stories.
This will make it easier for you to get stories and ensure that you can use them. Often, if the story is not structured properly or misses out on important parts, you might not be able to use it. This is why you must take the opportunity to come up with a template that you can put up online and even in your physical stores. Urge your employees to ask the customers to fill them out properly.
The template can either be direct questions or prompts with fill-in-the-blanks that can help your customers use the right words to describe their experience with your company. Important questions can include how a certain project helped improve or change the customer’s life. This helps show your potential customers that the product has a big impact on the lives of its users.
Push Your Employees To Initiate Stories
Your employees are the ones who are in direct contact with your customers and are the best ones to talk to and empower them to come with their stories. Train your employees so they know the right way to deal with customers and give your customers the right motivation to come up with the stories you want to tell.
Your customers can start a conversation with the customers to get their feedback, and if the customer has good things to say, employees can push them to come on record and share their stories.
The good dealing of the employee in itself can initiate a good story from the end of the customer. When you work with a company culture that promotes collecting stories from every possible source, your staff will make sure that they do not miss out on a single opportunity to collect a story.
Lead By Example
If you want your audience to tell stories worth telling, you can give an example of how a customer can go about a story. There are two ways of doing this. You can either sit down with a customer or work on their story together to come up with an example you can show to the rest of your customer base.
Or if you already have a story from a customer that can work as an example, you can post it on all media outlets to ensure that your customers are well acquainted with the idea of how they should narrate their stories for digital technology. Furthermore, you can also be very direct and write a story from scratch and give it to your customer to show them exactly what you want. This example can help your customers mold their stories in the same way, which can be very helpful.
Show Appreciation For Storytellers
Storytelling customers are not compelled to write stories for any gain. They merely do it as a favor or to show the world that you are doing a good job with the services. However, if you start appreciating these storytellers for the efforts they pour into coming up with stories for you, not only will that improve your client relationships with them, but it will also help you gain popularity.
Seeing the appreciation, other customers may also want to come up with their own stories and get them published so they can receive the same appreciation. One appreciation will go a long way and empower your customers to come up with their stories.
These are some of the best ways a business can push its customers to testify against the services and products you provide. Of course, you can include these stories on your business portfolio website. However, you must make sure that the stories become as organic as possible.