Tuesday , 14 January 2025

Revolutionary Healthcare Technology Developments Of 2017

New healthcare technology developments have become a staple of the industry. Healthcare technology applications are constantly growing, changing and improving ever since software like PCF Citrix Healthcare was first developed. This year was no exception. If you work in the healthcare industry, you definitely want to learn about these applications and products if you want to stay ahead of the curve. Below, find the top healthcare technology trends of the year that everyone is talking about.

Ultraviolet-C LEDs

Ultraviolet-C LEDs are finding new applications within the healthcare industry. LED technology is far from new. However, healthcare facilities are finding new and exciting applications for ultraviolet-C type LED lights, since UV-C lights have the greatest germicidal properties. These new UV-C light disinfectants utilize little power to disinfect all areas and items. Soon, sanitizing UV-C wands and UV disinfecting cabinets may also be on the market. Clearly, this new type of healthcare technology has revolutionized the ways medical facilities maintain sterile conditions.

Artificial Pancreas

Artificial pancreases are now a real option for patients suffering with diabetes. The artificial pancreas can monitor blood sugar and supply insulin to patients automatically, just like a real pancreas. This new healthcare technology can help millions of people with diabetes to live an easier, happier life, free from worry about managing their illness with insulin injections, glucose tablets and insulin pumps. Now, a diabetes diagnosis will not be nearly as devastating as it once was. This is a beautiful example of how technology revolutionizes medicine and life with an illness.

3D Printing

3D printing has been creating medical solutions for amputees for several years now. However, it was not until just last year that the first 3D printed prescription was approved by the FDA. Since then, 3D printers have been used to produce medical devices, including surgical instruments for surgeons and device implants for patients. Experts predict that by 2020, 3D printing will be a $1.2 billion industry. This is just the beginning of the 3D printing revolution for the medical industry. Keep your ear to the ground to follow along as these 3D medical applications explode.

Warm Perfusion

Warm perfusion is a new medical process developed by the technology industry. It allows hearts to keep beating and lungs to keep breathing after they have been harvested. This gives doctors more time to asses and treat organs and ultimately get longer usage out of them. Warm perfusion technology makes it possible to pump organs with blood and nutrition at just below body temperature. This keeps hearts beating and lungs breathing; thus making them last much longer. This is revolutionary medical technology that will hopefully save millions of lives.


Robots are now being developed to act as nurses’ assistants. Both the robot for interactive body assistance, RIBA, and the Hybrid Assistive Limb, HAL, are two robotics applications being used to help nurses avoid injuries from movie or lifting patients. These new medical robots will help the healthcare industry save millions of dollars a year on worker’s compensation claims and employee absence due to injury. These new healthcare robotics solutions are sure to be just the start for the industry, which will certainly make 2018 an interesting year.

For those tech-geeks who work in the healthcare industry, staying on top of the latest technology developments can be difficult. Your work hours are not really conducive to having a hobby outside of work, or even to checking the NERSC website for the latest tech news. Thankfully, you can learn all about the latest healthcare technology develops in this post. The medical technology solutions detailed above have revolutionized the world of medicine in the last year. Further developments and improvements to these healthcare gadgets and medical tools are sure to keep growing and improving medical outcomes for millions of people.

Photo from http://www.techsglobe.com/technology/healthcare/technologies-will-disrupt-healthcare-industry-year-2020/

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