Mobile traffic has now outgrown desktop traffic. As people are buying more online, mobile software makes it convenient for consumers to buy and sell. Mobile eCommerce website owners should know the best tactics to attract more visitors to their pages and increase sales conversions. Use the ideas below to improve your mobile eCommerce website.
Function Over Flash
Of course your eCommerce site should be attractive, but in today’s fast-paced world it’s all about convenience. Customers will be more likely to re-visit your site if they are satisfied with its performance, not its design. You should focus on optimizing your website’s speed, navigation and operating system. Your website needs to easily transition between a desktop, tablet and a phone. Your delivery system should be as efficient as possible, as well. If your basic eCommerce transactions are low quality, your visitor retention rate will drop significantly.
Add Advanced Mobile Chatbots
Smarter chatbots can help your website run smoothly. Using these automatic messaging systems will stay in touch with clients and their shopping habits. These online programs are great for reminding people what they left in their cart or engaging them with a sale. Chatbots can also be a good tool for helping customers as they shop. As we have seen with chatterbots, these have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Improving your chatbot technology will allow you to deliver valuable customer service for your mobile eCommerce website.
Automated Mobile Payment System
When a customer wants to buy something from your site, they want it to be quick. Adding or enhancing your automated payment system can increase your website’s value. Consider adding a one-click checkout feature. Make sure your cite accepts a wide variety of mobile payments. Letting your customers securely save their payments options accelerates the check-out process. It’s good if you have a lot of website traffic, but you want people to be able to act on their browsing in the easiest way possible.
Customers exploring your eCommerce site want to feel valued. You can do this by personalizing their experience as much as possible. Use their browsing history to make suggestions. Show off “best-sellers” or recommend a specific purchase alongside something in their cart. You can even use the phone’s IP address and zip code to promote specific offers, such as free shipping. Your overall website experience will improve if your website feels familiar to each visitor.
Voice Recognition
Not every mobile eCommerce website has the capacity. However, voice robots have become more and more popular for people who want to avoid typing on a phone. Try making your eCommerce solution compatible with voice commands. Enabling this will make it easier for customers to purchase items. A customer is more likely to order item your site if they can tell something to do it for them. Consider this growing trend of “listening” technology, and adapt your website for the potential voice-centered revolution.
The most important thing to keep track of is customer satisfaction. Your customers are more likely to stay loyal to your website if it’s accurate, smart and fast. Chatbots and automated checkouts can help keep your eCommerce store functioning at a high level. Personalizing the experience and tracking future industry trends can also help improve your website’s quality. Mobile eCommerce is expanding into one of the biggest shopping methods. Focusing on these few details will aid your mobile eCommerce website in being hugely successful.