Wednesday , 19 February 2025

How To Make New Friends Using Technology Wisely

Adults are busy between work, bills and family. It might seem tough to make new friends. Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s or older, you can use technology to help find and meet new people. Of course, the way people meet, interact and socialize have changed. Rather than fear the change, use technology to your advantage. Here are some of the best ways to make new friends by using technology.

Get Your Social Media Set Up

With over a billion users on Facebook, your social media profiles can help you make friends. But, not entirely online. These social media websites, also including Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus, should be extensions of your social life. They are a great way to keep in touch with people. So, when you do meet a new acquaintance, adding them as a new friend on Facebook is an easy first step to becoming life-long friends too. Before you start meeting new friends, makes sure your social media profiles are ready to interact.

Ask For Their Number The New Way

Today, getting people’s phone numbers has changed too. Before the days of smart phones, you had to manually write down someone’s phone number. Moreover, it wouldn’t be a cell phone. It was a house phone or landline. Now, you can simply open your phone to create a new contact and ask them to add their number to your phone. This is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with a new friend. After receiving a number from someone, send them a quick text right away with your name so they can save your number too. It will set up a texting conversation later to lead to a stronger friendship.

Show That You Appreciate Who They Are

Once you have met someone and exchanged contact details, learn more about them. Most people find it difficult to make new friends because they are so worried about themselves. Instead of concerning yourself about being cool or fitting in, take a genuine interest in who your friend is. Using social media, phone or texting, ask them questions and be happy when they respond. Unless, you don’t like who they are, you can spend your time finding different friends. Either way, when you take an interest and appreciate someone for who they really are, you will become a friend magnet yourself.

Find New Friends At Local Events

Whether you have lived in the same town all your life or just moved to a major city, meet up apps are a great way to make new friends. Follow upcoming events that align with your interest and hobbies. Then, get out of the house to events, conferences or activities. When you put yourself out there, you will be vulnerable to discomfort. However, this is how you grow as a person and learn more about yourself too. Odds are, you might have an okay time. But, you could end up getting the contact details of someone like-minded. This could lead to multiple new friends in your area.

Check Who They Really Are

Next, when you start to get to know someone, you can verify who they are online. Of course, you might not want to become friends with a con-artist or criminal looking for their next “customer”. Your new friends are people you could end up knowing for the rest of your life. To be on the safe side, you can run a simple personal background check on your new friends. With technology, it is pretty easy to find out who they are and if there are any questionable activities in the past. For adults who are putting themselves out there, it’s important to be careful when making friends and meeting new people.

To make friends, technology can be very helpful. Embrace our highly connected world to build meaningful relationships. You can keep in touch, learn and befriend others faster than ever before. Additionally, you can find people who enjoy similar activities to you as well. Just be sure to be careful when meeting new friends for the first time and really get to know them first. Before you know it, you will have too many friends to keep up with your social calendar. As you can imagine, it would be a nice problem to have.

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