PC hardware can be purchased pre-overclocked or overclocked. For the PC enthusiast who loves projects like making a DIY inductor, overclocking a CPU can be an exciting adventure. However, it is important to understand what it means to overclock CPU resources. Additionally, you should understand what types of hardware can be overclocked and the effects it may have on your hardware. This post will answer the top overclocked frequently asked questions below.
What Is Overclocking?
When PC enthusiasts want more performance out of a piece of hardware, they overclock it. This means adjusting settings so the hardware performs at a faster rate than intended by the hardware manufacturer. In some cases, it can be as simple as resetting a few values in a program. In other cases, it requires trial-and-error until the perfect setting is achieved. Overclocked hardware is often used by high end PC users, particularly gamers. Of course, you could also configure your own hybrid cloud system to scale almost any configuration you want.
What Can I Overclock?
The most common piece of hardware that is overclocked is the computer’s central processing unit (CPU). This is essentially the “brains” of the computer. While all parts are important, this is the one that most advanced PC enthusiasts barter technology to overclock. It handles all the instructions that a user inputs in a computer; therefore, the faster it runs, the better the PC performs. Users can also overclock the graphics processing unit (GPU, or sometimes referred to as a “video card”) and the random access memory (RAM).
The Silicon Lottery
One thing that is important when considering overclocking your CPU is the so-called Silicon Lottery. What is the Silicon Lottery? It is just the name techies have given to the differences that occur between processors. Even the same exact make and model can have differences, due to the nature of the manufacturing process. This is not something you typically have to worry about when you are just learning about a guide to instantiation. These differences between processing chips can cause chips to perform differently as well. This is important to consider when deciding whether or not to overclock a CPU.
What Effect Will Overclocking Have?
Overclocked hardware runs faster than specified by the manufacturer, so programs will run quicker and users should notice a higher level of performance with higher usage on your smart grid. However, overclocked hardware also runs hotter than originally intended. PC components rely on cooling techniques in order to function, much like a car requires oil to run. In general terms, the higher the overclock goes above manufacturer specifications, the greater the heat output of the piece of hardware. Users should be careful not to ruin their hardware by going too hot too fast!
Who Should Use Overclocked Hardware?
Overclocked hardware is not necessary for the average PC user, just like geek t-shirts. Enthusiasts and gamers experiment with overclocking to increase the speed of their components, sometimes to negate the need to buy newer hardware. Other enthusiasts do it for bragging rights, or just to see how high they can get hardware to perform above its standard settings. While there is little actual risk of fire or explosion (despite the heating concern), users should be aware that overclocked hardware can fail more quickly than non-overclocked hardware. This is not to say that only enthusiasts or users with plenty of money to replace burned out components to overclock, but it is worth knowing the risks before you begin.
How Do I Overclock?
Overclocking your hardware depends mainly on the BIOS settings of your motherboard. Some motherboards will not allow overclocked hardware, but most modern manufacturers include some settings that can be changed. It is worth researching your exact components, including semiconductors before you begin, and see if anyone has already overclocked a system like yours. The key to overclocking is to go slow, making incremental changes and testing stability along the way. You are essentially tricking the components into running at faster speeds, so you have to make sure they can handle it. Beyond that, speaking to PC enthusiasts or joining overclocking communities online may be your best bet. Don’t expect a standard response, however; there are a lot of personal experiences to take into account and there is no “cookie cutter” way to overclock.
Something To Remember
Overclocking methods change as new processor generations unfold. You need to be aware of this, regardless of whether you have NVLAP certification or not. What works to overclock one computer may not work for a later generation or a different model. Make sure you read up about your particular CPU. Overclocking a processor means finding out how to work with your specific device. That is the only way to properly overclock a computer. Otherwise, you may wind up experiencing some of the dangers of overclocking. Make sure you read up as much as you can about overclocking the CPU that you actually have, not just a general overview about overclocking.
Download Prime 95
To overclock cpu systems, you will need to use an overclocking CPU software to keep your computer stable. Many people recommend using the software called Prime95. This is a free software that can be downloaded online. Of course, there are alternatives, but this is the most popular one to get started overclocking your CPU.
Overclocking CPU hardware is popular among PC enthusiasts and gamers, but others can enjoy the possibilities in a number of ways if they aren’t afraid to live in the moment. Some manufacturers have recognized the appeal of overclocked components so they have begun selling factory overclocked and tested parts. This is a relatively safe way to enjoy overclocked hardware. For those wishing to experiment with overclocked hardware, do your research and remember the golden rule is to take it slow! Do your research, know what components you can overclock, and be aware of the affect it may have on your computer.
Image from http://www.overclock.net/t/350886/official-diablo-iii-information-and-discussion-thread/6500