If you have just started a career in the electronics industry, you have probably heard about spectrum analyzers. These devices are used to analyze the frequency spectrum of radio signals, also known as radio frequency, or RF. However, there are several types of spectrum analyzers that can do this job in a variety of ways, just like fitness technology. Find out about the different kinds of spectrum analyzers below.
Parallel-Filter Spectrum Analyzers
Parallel-filter analyzers are a type of real-time spectrum analyzers. These devices combine a number of bandpass filters with various frequencies. Each of these filters are connected with the signal input the whole time you are conducting an analysis. After a settling time, this analyzer detects all signals within the measurement range you set. Then, it displays them for your real-time analysis. This is one of the spectrum analyzers most commonly used for audio-frequency applications.
Swept Spectrum Analyzers
Swept analyzers, also known as swept frequency spectrum analyzers, are based on the superheterodyne principle. That means they sweep the analyzed frequency across the band. This produces views of these signals, as well as data about their relative strength. This is the most common type of spectrum analyzer used within the electronics industry, including music YouTube.
Fast Fourier Transform Analyzers
Fast Fourier Transform spectrum analyzers, also known as FFT analyzers, use an analog to digital convertor connected to the input. This is done to ensure that all spectral data is gathered at the same time. These types of analyzers cost quite a bit more than other analog varieties. Because of this, they tend to be used for more specialized applications.
Audio Spectrum Analyzers
Audio spectrum analyzers use the same basic technology as traditional swept spectrum gadgets. However, they can also be configured to analyze low-frequency input as well. An audio spectrum analyzer will cost you less than other types of analyzers. In fact, you can even run them on your PC without purchasing much additional hardware. This makes it the perfect type of analyzer for beginners in the electronics industry, like yourself.
Vector Signal Analyzers
Vector Signal Analyzers, or VSAs, also make use of superheterodyne technology. However, they go one step further to combine it with high speed ADC’s alongside other DSP technology. This makes it possible to gain insight into high-resolution spectrum measurements as demodulation. That allows engineers like you to conduct an advanced time-domain analysis. A vector signal analyzer is best used for characterizing burst, transient or modulated signals. That is why they are so widely used in communications, video, broadcast, sonar and ultrasound imaging applications.
If you are an engineer just getting started in the electronics field, you may not be entirely familiar with how to work a spectrum analyzer just yet. However, before you go attempting to learn and get your SNIA certification, you should be aware that there are several different types of spectrum analyzers available on the market. Each of these devices use different methods to analyze frequencies. Learn up on the most common types of spectrum analysis above. Then, you can start to learn how to use a spectrum analyzer that does the exact job that you need it to.
Photo from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectrum_analyzer